HRSN Services

(503) 770-0315

Health Related Social Needs

Health Related Social Needs

What is HRSN?

Health-related social needs (HRSNs) are social and economic needs that affect your ability to maintain health and well-being.

OHP members facing certain life challenges will have services available to them. These services are to help members stay healthy during times of greater need.These interventions have been found to improve health outcomes and health inequities and decrease health care costs.

Services provided

Housing Supports

Nutrition Supports

Climate Supports

Outreach & Engagement

Who Will Qualify for These Services?

To qualify, OHP members must be in at least one of these life transitions. Additional criteria also applies for each type of HRSN service.

  • Release from incarceration in the past 12 months
  • Discharge from an Institution for Mental Disease (IMD) in the past 12 months
  • Current or past involvement in the Oregon child welfare system
  • Transitioning from Medicaid-only to dual eligibility (Medicaid and Medicare) status within the next three months or has transitioned in the past nine months
  • Being homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.